B.C. Electrical Techniques Ltd was formed in 1948 to design and manufacture transformers and inductors to customers’ particular requirements and specifications. We moved to Aylesbury in 1968, but our current site in 2017, we continue to meet this need today, but we have also developed a number of standard products of our own.
We are one of the few manufacturers in the UK to use aluminium foil in transformers and DC inductors.
design and manufacture of transformers and inductors
Product Focus
A range of specialised battery chargers for this mobile crane & access platform company.
The chargers have to be extremely reliable and be able to withstand the roughest of treatment, even being cleaned with a pressure-washer on a daily basis!
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B.C. Electrical can custom design & manufacture any transformer or reactor to your specific requirements. For many of our customers, we have been able to go beyond this and offer a finished product, or research & develop an innovative solution to a highly technical problem.
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In 2002, B.C. Electrical Techniques Ltd acquired the designs and property of “Patterson Test Instruments” and continue to manufacture much of the Patterson range of High Voltage and High Current gear.
We have a renowned system for accurate measurement of high voltage, AC and DC sources. We are able to build Test Equipment outside of standard ranges where special needs arise.
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